Thursday, December 4, 2014

No Man's Sky

If you know me, I tend to get fairly excited about upcoming games. Almost to an unhealthy degree. I bought the Super-Duper Enhanced Collectors Edition of Star wars: The Old Republic. I Ran a progression raiding guild, and eventually just quit, mostly because of all the bugs that were in the end game content. I haven't played since the game went free to play, but I hear good things. That may be something Amnry and I might need to try. Another example is The Elder Scrolls Online. Yet again, I spent too much of my money on a game that really wasn't as fleshed out as it should have been. I stopped playing that one almost 2 months after starting. Now, some of you may be of the opinion that this is how most MMO's are. I actually enjoy most MMO's. I played WoW for years, Loved Eve Online(despite it's difficulty curve), and have enjoyed Diablo in all it's iterations(though some would argue it's not an MMO.)

A complete ecosystem, with mega-fauna, plant-life, birds, etc.
What I'm trying to get across, is that I can sometimes get caught up in hype. But I don't let the hype cloud my judgement of the game once I actually get a chance to play it. That being said, there's a game coming out soon(Early 2015), that just tickles my fancy. It's called No Man's Sky. One of the things that really caught me was it's procedural generation. I LOVE Procedurally generated games, especially roguelikes and roguelites(examples being Dungeons of Dreadmor, The Binding of Isaac, and FTL). The idea of having a game with a core mechanic of exploration including procedural generation was just an astounding concept. And from what the developers and other reviews explain, the way the generation works, how the seeds populate, you can have an infinite number of worlds, each with it's own special ecosystem with flora and fauna native to it's world.

Another boon this game shares is it's lack of loading screens. In a few game-play videos I've seen, you can be walking on a planets surface, hop into your ship, leave the planet, encounter space battles, trav
el to another planet, gain entry, land and explore a new planet without a single load screen. That's just immersive. To the right is a video showing just that. It's 100% game-play video, no cinematics or cutscenes.  It really is hard for me not to be excited for this game. I know from previous experiences that my hype may get deflated upon release, but I sincerely hope that's not the case. If this game is everything it claims to be, Amnry and I can play together, exploring new worlds, hand in hand.

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